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Microbial Genome De Novo Sequencing

With advanced sequencing systems and cutting-edge technology, Creative Proteomics provides microbial genome de novo sequencing and analysis services to clients worldwide, including fungal genome de novo sequencing and bacterial genome de novo sequencing. We also have the flexibility to change platforms for both long and short reads lengths, in order to provide you with a high quality service.


Microbial Genome De Novo Sequencing

Microbial (fungal and bacterial) genome de novo sequencing is a technique for sequencing, de novo assembly of microbial (fungal and bacterial) genome sequences without a reference genome, and annotation of the genome based on a database, as a basis for structural and functional analysis. With the development of sequencing technologies and the reduction of sequencing costs, it has become inevitable to complete a whole genome sequence map of a microorganism (fungal and bacteria). The completion of a genome sequence map of a species will lead to a series of subsequent studies of that species.

The use of de novo sequencing to obtain genomic information of microorganisms provides a powerful research tool for exploring gene structure and function, studying the evolutionary origins of microbial populations, and provides a new starting point for potential applications in medicine, disease, agriculture and farming.

Technical advantages of microbial genome de novo sequencing

  • Wide range of applications: de novo sequencing, gene annotation, comparative genomic studies, microbial evolution studies, etc.
  • Time saving and cost effective.

Applications of microbial genome de novo sequencing

  • Construction of engineered bacteria for food, energy and other industries
  • Genetic evolutionary analysis of fungi / fungus
  • Pathogenicity migration mechanisms
  • Research on virulence studies, drug resistance mechanisms, molecular markers, vaccine development, etc.
  • Auxiliary multi-omics analysis

Advantages of Our Microbial Genome De Novo Sequencing Services

  • Powerful sequencing capabilities: We rely on multiple sequencing platforms that can combine next-generation sequencing (NGS) and long-reads sequencing strategies to provide flexible options for microbial (bacterial and fungal) genome sequencing, improving the integrity and reliability of genome sequence assembly. Suitable solutions are tailored for different fineness levels and different research contexts.
  • Deep data mineable: we have complete solutions for in-depth analysis of individual variation and interpretation of population evolutionary history to address the biological questions of your interest.
  • Accuracy: Create accurate reference sequences even for complex or polyploid genomes.

Service Workflow

For microbial genome de novo sequencing and analysis, we followed the basic workflow shown below. At the same time, Creative Proteomics has developed a variety of new sample preparation technologies, and we will adjust the experimental methods and optimize the experimental conditions according to the different properties of the samples.

Service Workflow of Microbial Genome De Novo Sequencing -Creative Proteomics

Products Library Application scope
Bacterial frame map 350 bp Large-scale sequencing, rapid scanning
Bacterial genome completed map 10 Kb Small numbers of strains sequencing, precise localization
Fungal survey 350bp Estimating genome size, assessing assembly difficulty
Fungal frame map 350bp Frame sequencing of large numbers of strains
Fungal fine map   Fine assembly of a small number of individuals

Sample Requirements

  • Fungal / bacterial samples ≥ 5 g.
  • Framework map genomic DNA ≥ 2 µg, completed framework map genomic DNA ≥ 10 µg, concentration ≥ 30 ng/µL, OD260/280 = 1.8-2.0, and ensure no degradation of DNA and no contamination.      

Bioinformatics Analysis

Our analysis content is constantly being updated, so if you would like to know more, please contact our technical engineers.

Analysis type Analysis content of bacterial genome de novo sequencing Analysis content of fungal genome de novo sequencing
Standard bioinformatics analysis

Data quality control statistics

Genome circle mapping

  • Sequence assembly
  • Genome correction

Genome component analysis

  • Coding gene prediction
  • tRNA / rRNA / sRNA prediction
  • Scattered repeat / tandem repeat prediction
  • Transposon prediction
  • CRISPR prediction
  • Gene Island prediction
  • Pre-phage prediction

Basic functional analysis

  • Nr / Swiss-Prot / GO / KEGG / COG annotation

Advanced functional analysis

  • PHI host interaction annotation
  • TNSS effector protein prediction
  • CARD drug resistance gene annotation
  • VFDB virulence factor annotation
  • Pfam annotation
  • CAZy annotation
  • Signal peptide containing protein prediction
  • Transmembrane protein prediction
  • Secretory protein prediction
  • Two-component system prediction
  • Secondary metabolic gene cluster prediction

Data quality control statistics

Genome circle map

  • Sequence assembly
  • Genome correction

Genomic component analysis

  • Coding gene prediction
  • tRNA / rRNA / sRNA prediction
  • Scattered repeats / tandem repeats prediction

Basic functional analysis

  • Nr / Swiss-Prot / GO / KEGG / KOG annotation

Advanced functional analysis

  • PHI host interactions annotation
  • DFVF virulence factor annotation
  • Pfam annotation
  • CAZy annotation
  • Signal peptide prediction
  • Secondary metabolic gene cluster prediction
Advanced bioinformatics analysis Covariance analysis
Gene family analysis
Sharedness analysis
Evolutionary tree analysis
SNP statistics
Indel statistics
SV statistics
Covariance analysis
Gene family analysis
Sharedness analysis
Evolutionary tree analysis
Personalised bioinformatics analysis Please contact our technical engineers to discuss and evaluate.

Creative Proteomics provides detailed microbial genome de novo sequencing and analysis services, please contact us for more information. We deserve your trust.

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