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Microbiome Services


Relying on advanced sequencing technology platforms and molecular experimental platforms, Creative Proteomics specializes in providing microbiome services, including but not limited to microbial diversity sequencing, metagenomic shotgun sequencing, microbial genome de novo sequencing, metatranscriptomics sequencing and microbial re-sequencing. Various technical platforms, extensive experience and rich data analysis content will fully help your scientific research success!

Microbiome is the collection of all microorganisms and their genetic information in a specific environment or ecosystem, which contains a wealth of microbial resources. A comprehensive and systematic analysis of the structure and function of the microbiome will bring new ideas for solving major problems in human health, crop growth, animal husbandry development, environmental management, and industrial biotechnology product production. Microbiome sequencing can provide insights into the genetic composition of microbial communities, as well as detect the biological functions of microorganisms, track genetic changes, respond quickly to disease outbreaks, monitor food sources, and more.

Our Microbiome Services

Creative Proteomics provides you with one-stop microbiome services, including experimental design, sample preparation, sequencing, and bioinformatics analysis, aiming to provide solutions for your microbiomics. Our microbiome services include but are not limited to:

Why choose us?

  • Professional and rigorous service: Professional and mature sample preparation, library building and data analysis process, objectively restore the sample's own colony structure and abundance.
  • Multiple sequencing platforms: Creative Proteomics has multiple high-throughput sequencing platforms, which can be flexibly selected for microbiome sequencing. The sequencing platform is managed in accordance with GLP standards / specifications to ensure the accuracy and reliability of experimental results.
  • Excellent sample handling capabilities: We can handle rare / complex samples flexibility and with reliable results.
  • Customized analysis strategy: provide personalized analysis for different research needs of customers, such as multi-omics integration analysis.

Service Workflow

For microbiome services, we followed the basic workflow shown below.

Service Workflow of Microbiome Services -Creative Proteomics

Creative Proteomics relies on advanced platforms and cutting-edge technologies to provide microbiome services to customers around the world, and provide accurate and detailed analysis reports. In addition, we also provide multi-omics integrated analysis services. You can discuss with our technical engineers to customize solutions or build new methods to meet your specific needs. If you have any questions, you can tell us through the inquiry form, and our technicians will communicate with you. Please don't hesitate to contact us, Creative Proteomics can be trusted.

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Creative Proteomics, your unparalleled center of excellence in sequencing, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics analysis platforms, is elevating the landscape of research. Our seamless integration of these cutting-edge capabilities ensures that clients receive extraordinary multi-omics joint analysis services.

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